Hello and welcome to my page, my fellow peeps!
More about me

I am a young artist who grew up moving around a lot but was always somehow surrounded by art throughout my life, which held a big role for me growing up! I went into a art middle school then accomplished one of my many goals in life which was getting into art and design Highschool. Now I am in my junior year, moving along with honors and in the animation department of my school! I’m hoping to one day create my own show/film that will inspire that spark I once had with shows like adventure time or even Steven universe, hopefully pushing them to become what their most passionate about and be true to that!
Examples of some commissions

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Prints and things sell in shop!

Within my shop, I already have some stickers and prints on there, so you’ll be able to take a look at my work, and may even find some to your liking! I will also assure you that overtime you will start seeing more and more prints and stickers (maybe even charms) being uploaded into my shop so keep a look out! If you follow me on Instagram as well, I would do polls from time to time to get the publics opinion on certain designs for mercy and prints since I want to include all of you so keep a look out for that as well! Everything is at the bottom if ya need!